Women avoid Death and Rape by carrying concealed guns
CONTACT: Tiffany Lindsay, (425) 454-7009, tiffany.lindsay@liberty.seanet.com
LOS ANGELES, CA – Paxton Quigley, both a liberal Democrat and advocate of women’s gun rights, says in her new book, Stayin’ Alive: Armed and Female in an Unsafe World (Merril Press, 2005), women who take their guns out of their homes and legally carry them concealed reduce violent crimes, rape, and death. Yet only twenty-seven percent of American women keep a gun in their home.
Quigley, author of the best selling book, Armed and Female, “the bible of women’s gun self-defense,” who has taught thousands of women and men safe gun use for self-defense also says: “Anti-gun critics claim women get a false sense of security when they carry a gun. That’s just a lot of hooey! All the women I’ve ever spoken with who legally carry feel much more in control of their surroundings and far safer.”
Quigley further cites studies which show significant reductions in crimes against women in regions where more women carry concealed handguns: “I strongly urge women to legally carry, especially when they’re out alone on their own, walking, driving, or riding public transportation.”
Presently, thirty-nine states permit the concealed carrying of handguns. While no national statistics are available, Arizona reports that of 67,000 gun owners who legally carry, 6,200 are women. In Florida, more than 15,000 women confidently carry concealed handguns.
In her new book, Stayin’ Alive, Quigley dispels popular myths about guns and articulates the importance of safe and responsible gun handling for greater personal and family security. She also analyzes alternate popular self defense options and discusses the pros and cons of stun guns, pepper spray, dogs, home alarms, etc., devoting an entire chapter to planning in advance exactly what to do in the event your home is invaded by burglars or worse.
When Quigley’s first book, Armed & Female (St. Martin’s Press, 1989) was published, it created uproar. The media was shocked and horrified, yet irresistibly intrigued by its unabashed call for women to finally unburden their fears, claim personal responsibility, and take up arms. She was profiled by “60 Minutes”, The Wall Street Journal, Playboy, The Los Angeles Times, and others, and appeared on nearly every national TV news show from “NBC Nightly News” to “Larry King Live,” “Oprah,” and “Hannity & Colmes.”
To interview Paxton Quigley, contact Tiffany Lindsay at above addresses.
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