The Pedersoli Lightning

PEDERSOLI DAVIDE & C. PRODUZIONE ARMI ANTICHE E ACCESSORI 25063 GARDONE V.T. (BS) - ITALY Via Artigiani, 57 - P. O. Box 150 Tel. 030.8915000 - fax 030.8911019 P.IVA 00588030981 - C. Fiscale 00919300178
We are proud to announce plans for the reproduction of one of the most famous rifles used during the 1890s by cowboys and settlers of the American West and today very desired by cowboy action shooters, hunters, and collectors. We have made important modifications to the mechanical parts of the original American model to make the rifle more safe and reliable.
With great care, we retained the fascination, beauty, and appearance of the original rifle while at the same time making subtle changes to take out the weaknesses of the original and give today's shooters an accurate and reliable rifle along with absolute safety features. One of the main objectives has been to recognize today's shooters requests by offering a product perfectly adapted to any shooting or hunting requirements.
This rifle's special feature is the fast slide-action system which will help to eliminate any chance of accidental discharge due to an unskilled shooter, we have installed features like the single-shot device for a safer use of the gun. The bolt is designed and built to ensure that it is fully engaged and locked prior to firing. An inertia firing pin provides additional safety by preventing the firing pin from striking the cartridge primer by any means other than the pulling of the trigger.
The ergonomic forend enables a good grip and the unloading latch provides a safer means by which to unload the rifle while preventing the hammer from striking the firing pin when removing live ammunition, thereby avoiding any chance of accidental discharge.
The Pedersoli Lightning will be available in the Rifle version, with octagonal barrel and the Carbine with round barrel. Both barrels versions are available in the following lengths: 20", 24", and 26". In the Carbine version with 20" round barrel, the magazine is retained on the barrel by a shaped double ring band.
Both rifle and carbine are offered with three different finishes:
Standard: blue action and furniture, walnut stock; Premium: case hardened action, semi-fancy walnut checkered stock; Deluxe: old silver color for the action and the trigger guard, finished by hand engraving, fancy walnut stock, fine checkering. Both the Rifle and the Carbine versions feature a checkered forend.
The gun is currently available in the .45 Colt cartridge, six grooves clockwise with a twist rate of 400 mm (1:16.) The .45 Colt was and is a very powerful hand gun cartridge and when fired from a longer rifle barrel it gains added velocity and power, making it capable of one-shot kills on fairly large game when used at close to moderate ranges. The forthcoming .44-40 cartridge was at one time the most popular cartridge in all of America and is still in common use in tens of thousands of hunting rifles.
For information please contact: Davide Pedersoli & C., via Artigiani 57, 25063 Gardone Val Trompia; (; tel. 030.8915000; fax 030.8911019.
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