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Articles on firearms and replicas of the Old West, cowboy ammo, reloading, CAS events, shooters, western gun leather and gear, clothing, history, and more.


The Le Page du Roi Pistol

The Le Page pistol, one of the most recognized symbols of Davide Pedersoli production, is getting close to its 30th birthday. To celebrate in a special way this important birthday and to satisfy the requests of a great number of enthusiastic collectors, the company has started the production of a Le Page model, which until now was only offered in a limited series to some of the foreign distributors.

It is the special version of the Le Page pistol, percussion model, assembled on the stock of the Le Page flintlock model, made for the first time in 1994 for the American Historical Foundation of Richmond, U.S.A., a company which specialises in the distribution of special commemorative models.

The stock is the perfect “Empire” style, until today offered by Pedersoli Co. only for the Le Page in the flintlock version. It represents the typical design of the French gunsmiths of the first half of the 18th century and the elegant lines that Henri Le Page used in many of his percussion pistols. Therefore, it is natural to introduce a gun with such aesthetic features.

The pistol, which was created for the American Historical Foundation, was enriched with some gold inlays on the barrel where there was an inscription which referred to the “Duel” as well as on the lock and on the furniture’s: that gun was given the model name “Le Page du Roi” which reflected the fact that such a pistol was intended for royalty and the aristocracy of that era.
At the beginning of the new millennium a new limited series of the Le Page du Roi without golden inlays was prepared and given to an important mid-European distributor company well known for mail orders and until recently going through the big catalog of that company it was possible to see the Le Page du Roi pistols in the pages dedicated to the guns manufactured by Pedersoli.

Today the Le Page du Roi pistol is being added to the production series of the Pedersoli company continuing the tradition started with the first pistol reproduced thirty years ago and protected by our trademark. Since then we are extremely pleased with the continuous series of sporting successes in the “Kuchenreuter R” shooting discipline and the satisfaction of having introduced a gun that became a milestone among the modern muzzleloading reproduction guns.
As it has been shown year after year, the Le Page pistols accuracy and ability to win shooting matches has to be attributed to the high quality of the materials used, to the close tolerance of the hand craftmanship work, to the professional attitude Pedersoli company applies manufacturing its own models, as well as the incomparable beauty and elegance of the design.

The new Le Page du Roi pistols percussion models are available with brown barrel and case hardened furnitures. The oiled and polished walnut stock features the traditional checkered grips, the front part shaped with the classical shell style which is made on the butt cap and also on the butt plate being a small patch box: characteristics known and appreciated in the Le Page flintlock pistol for many years.

On request it will be possible to obtain white finishing of the metal parts in order to satisfy the several shooters and collectors’ who expressed the desire to have a pair of pistols featuring a different look but with the same stock shape.

For information: Davide Pedersoli & C., via Artigiani 57, 25063 Gardone Val Trompia; (; tel. 030.8915000; fax 030.8911019.